9:00 | Welcome |
9:10-9:35 | Bob McMurray & Allard Jongman Layers of variance in the speech onion: There’s no need to cry over the problem of variability. Evidence from perceptually motivated analyses of fricatives. |
9:35-10:00 | Nhung Nguyen, Jason Shaw, Catherine Best, & Michael Tyler How socio-indexical information modulates the relationship between formant variability and vowel categorization |
10:00-10:25 | Jacob Phillips Phonological and prosodic conditioning of /s/-retraction in American English |
10:25-11:10 | Poster Session |
Ildiko Emese Szabo Modeling lexical and stochastic exceptions in phonotactics: a categorizational problem | |
Rachel Miller Olsen Glottalization as a Higher-Order Cue to Prosodic Structure | |
Chris Neufeld Modeling categorical perception with Hilbert spaces | |
Dave Kleinschmidt, Kodi Weatherholz & Florian Jaeger How informative is dialect about vowel distributions? | |
Charlotte Vaughn & Tyler Kendall Listeners use sociolinguistic production conditioning in speech perception | |
Doug Whalen, Mark Tiede, and Wei-Rong Chen Prediction of articulator positions from subsets of natural variability | |
Kristine Yu Temporal aspects of talker variability in lexical tones | |
Andrew Plummer Higher-order structure for vowel variation is specific to the culture and individual listener | |
Jeff Mielke & Kuniko Nielsen Modeling Voice Onset Time in English: Factors and their cross-speaker variability | |
11:10-11:35 | Charlotte Vaughn, Melissa Baese-Berk, Kaori Idemaru, & Misaki Kato Dimensions of variability in non-native speech |
11:35-12:00 | James Kirby Cross-linguistic variability in cue weighting of consonant voicing |